Meet Mrs. Buschkamp! WPS' new Science and STEM teacher! Welcome to the team!

Back to School Forms 23-24



Free and Reduced Lunch Applications are ready to be picked up in the office.

Meet Ms. Young! Wynot's new Title teacher. We are excited to have you on the team!

Meet Mr. Wieseler! Welcome back to WPS!

Meet Mrs. Lamoureux! WPS' new FCS teacher. We are so excited to have you onboard!

Meet Mrs. Koch! Our new first-grade teacher. Welcome to Wynot Public Schools. We are so excited to have you on the team. Go Blue Devils!

Updated Hartington Soccer Forms

Working with facilitators from the Educational Service Unit (ESU) and the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE), WPS employed the Activities Council and School Improvement Committee and conducted focus group meetings and sent out online surveys to engage parents and patrons. Internal stakeholders were also engaged in the needs assessment including the board of education, administrators, certified staff, classified staff, and students. By engaging a diverse group of internal and external stakeholders, we provide the opportunity for the community to express their thoughts, ideas, and concerns regarding the current culture, but also the vision for the future of WPS.
The process allowed us, as a community, to closely examine the current status of the district. We examined our strengths, but also participated in frank conversations about the district's most pressing needs. Stakeholders reaffirmed, while there is much to be proud of, there are areas in which we must improve in order to fulfill our mission.
Collectively, the community and the staff are committed to doing all we can to improve the district. In effort to address some of the most pressing issues brought forward by stakeholders, the Activities Council and School Improvement Team have evaluated current handbook policies on Attendance and Eligibility. We have also highlighted the most common infractions of our current Dress Code policy.
Something new that we will implement starting this fall is the Absence Make-Up slip. This will replace the "Notice of Student Absence". Students will be required to complete a Make-Up slip prior to planned absences (excluding school activities) and after unplanned absences. Students will need to meet with each of their teachers (following their schedule) to get missing assignments. This form will be initialed by each teacher and signed by a parent and an administrator.
Please take a look at the changes and discuss them with your student and please reach out with any questions you may have. We are looking forward to a great year!

Come check out the Wynot K-12 student's artwork at the Cedar County Fair Art Exhibit, now until Sunday. These students put in a lot of hard work and it shows!

2023-2024 School Supplies List

Hartington Soccer 2023

WPS has been working to refine its Eligibility guidelines. Please take a moment to review the Eligibility poster with your student/s

The Wynot Public Schools HyVee gift card program is having a silent auction to raise money for the students of Wynot Public Schools. The money will go into the HyVee gift card account to be used for students grades PK-12.
Each sign is 8' by 4'.
Choose a sign and bid accordingly.
A computer will also be setup at the Breakfast of Champions for final bidding on August 27th.
If you have any questions about the signs, auction or the HyVee card program, don't hesitate to reach out to Tammy Wieseler, Heather Heimes or Laurie Schulte.
Final bidding will be at 12:00 PM (NOON) on Sunday, August 27th.
This State Championship Signs auction will be conducted electronically through Gala Bid, with bids being displayed automatically.
Items will be sold to the highest eligible bidder recorded at the close of bidding. You will be notified on-screen if you are the winner.
Bids will not be accepted after the close of the auction. Minimum Bid increments are indicated next to each item.


Happy Friday WPS Community! Be looking for Mrs. Francis' Newsletter for updates on current happenings and school initiatives. Have a great holiday weekend!

State Track Meet Results from Omaha
Chase Schroeder 6th in the 800 2:01.68, 7th in the 400 52.22
Dylan Heine 9th in the High Jump 5-10, 11th in the Triple Jump 41-.25
Jude Krie 12th in the Long Jump 19-6.5
4x800 Meter Relay got 14th 9:10.03, Dylan Heine, Korbin Guenther, Cooper Oligmueller, Chase Schroeder.
4x100 Meter Relay got 13th 52.76 Kinslee Heimes, Eliza Lange, Jordan Foxhoven, Myrah Sudbeck
Congratulations to the Wynot track team on a good season and to those qualifying for state. Great job.

Here are the results from district golf that was held at Fairplay Golf Course in Norfolk on Tuesday this week. Crofton earned 5th place as a team behind Pierce, Ponca, Norfolk Catholic and Cedar. Individual scores are as follows. Carson Wieseler got 15th with an 88. Zack Foxhoven got 27th with a 92 and Andrew Haberman got 38th with a 95. Congratulations golfers on a good season.