Tonight, at the football game, and tomorrow, at the volleyball game, the volleyball team will be putting on a fundraiser to raise money for a local family battling cancer.
Pumpkin Raffle- The girls painted pumpkins! Pick your favorite pumpkin and drop your ticket in for a chance to take the pumpkin home with you. Tickets will be drawn at the end of the 3rd quarter of the football game and after the 2nd set of the volleyball game.
Cookies- The FCS classes made cookies!
Ribbons- Choose a ribbon and write the name of your loved one that you would like to honor. The ribbons will be hung up around the gym for Friday night's volleyball game.
Congratulations to Joslyn Hochstein for being accepted to perform at NMEA All State Choir! All State is the most prestigious honor choir in Nebraska. Joslyn ranked in the TOP 2 altos for our region!
Great job Joslyn!
Congratulations to the Wynot football team on districts champs. They will be hosting first round of the state football playoffs on Thursday October 24th. The game is scheduled for 5pm against Palmer High School. Go Big Blue.
Congratulations to the Wynot volleyball team on their wins last night in the Lewis and Clark Conference Tournament. They will be playing in the championship game tonight in Randolph. The 5:30pm game will be Winside vs TCNE. Wynot will be playing Homer the second game of the evening following the 5:30pm game. Go Big Blue.
Tailgate Fundraiser for Post Prom this Thursday during the football game!
Please enjoy the 2024 Broadcasting Class's first video: The Fab 5!
Parent-teacher conferences are on October 21, 10 am - 7 pm. Please contact your child's teacher/s if you are planning to attend the volleyball game at 5:30 in Winnebago and would like to schedule a different time to discuss your student. GBB! Report cards will be available for pick-up on Monday at 10 am. Please stop by the table as you walk in to grab your child's envelope. Thanks.
Youth ages 8-18 interested in joining the Cedar County Sharp Shooters Archery program are invited to an informational meeting and first practice at the Cedar County Fairgrounds on Sunday, November 3rd. Coaches, John Brodersen and Aaron Wiechelman will highlight the details of this year’s program, which runs November-February. If interested in joining call the Cedar County Extension Office at 402-254-6821 by October 17.
The Northeast Nebraska Public Health Department will be in Wynot on Friday October 11th for a free oral health program beginning at 9am. Paperwork was sent home for grades PreK-8th grade. High school students are also eligible. Paperwork needs to be filled out for every student and returned to the school prior to the screening.
Congratulations to the September "Artists of the Month"
- lower elementary, Arlowe Lenzen, 2nd grade, "Bloomin' Celery Prints"
- upper elementary, Koy Trobaugh, 4th grade, "Beautiful Symmetrical Butterflies"
- middle school, Maleah Heimes, 8th grade, "Mandala Design Painting"
- high school, Carter Hans, 11th grade, colored pencil drawing
Celebrate Homecoming by buying a balloon for $1 at the football game!! All proceeds go to the volleyball team!
Join the volleyball team at the Randolph triangular on October 15th for Pink Out Night! Randolph is hosting a Dig Pink event to support the fight against Breast Cancer. T-shirts are for sale and you can order at this link:
T-shirts will be picked up and sent home before the event so you can wear them to the games. The order deadline is October 1st.
One Act will be doing a food special at Tuesday's HOMECOMING volleyball game! See you there!
Today's dress-up day is Toy Story (Western). Please vote for best dressed!
We are nearing the end of the fundraiser! Please get those orders in before you miss out! Our One Act team GREATLY appreciates all your support!
Catalog Link:
Donuts with Grownups was a success this morning—a big thanks to everyone who attended. We appreciate the feedback and look forward to making the event even better next year. Have a great Thursday!
The students have voted and this year's Homecoming theme is "movies"!
ISO: real or artificial pumpkins
I'd like the art classes to be able to participate in a Virtual Pumpkin Decorating Contest sponsored by the Museum of Nebraska Art. There are age categories for all students in K-12, so it'll just depend on how many pumpkins get donated to the school whether we'll have enough pumpkins for all art students. We'll take pumpkins no later than Tues., Oct. 22nd, so that we have enough time to paint or carve, before the submission deadline.